An image of me

About Me

I'm a well-organized person and a problem solver who is always looking to explore other talents and opportunities given. I'm defined by the service I render with the best of my ability, and I'm easily inspired and more than willing to follow my fantasies wherever they take me. I'm never satisfied to just come up with ideas, instead I have an almost impulsive need to act on them. I am fueled by my passion for Coding and how I vision myself. I like to develop expertise in a number of areas over the course of my life and my career and I believe my hunger for knowledge, determination to turn information into action will get me to become the best developer I can be In a quick time.

Contact Details

Joseph Uwagbale
Lagos, Nigeria.



Here are the skills i have been able to garner over my few years of coding



Front-end Developer July 2023 - Present

As a Frontend Developer Intern, I seamlessly collaborated within a dynamic team of developers. I adeptly formulated and executed project scopes and timelines, aligning them with the design-develop-deploy workflow. My role involved close collaboration with UX designers and Backend Developers, ensuring a harmonious integration of efforts across all facets

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